Friday, February 19, 2010

February 19

Psalms 37:23-24
The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, THEY WILL NEVER FALL, for the Lord holds them by the hand.

I have to remind myself this all the time. At times I get exhausted from all the pressure from all the bills and what little amounts of money I have. It seems I have hit rock bottom, to the point of no return.

But like I was saying, I have to remind myself that God will never let me fall. He lets me stumble at times just so that I will learn to trust in Him with all my life's challenges.

1 comment:

  1. I believe that if we keep our eyes on the Lord, He will do his part, as the Holy Spirit will guide us to a good and honorable path. Yes, there will be those times when we look to one side or the other and we will stumble, but the Spirit is with us alway and will steady us as we look back up to Him for guideance.

    I also believe that there will those times when we actually break from the pressure and fall. It's kinda like when you're caught in strong current of water. You're sucking in water and doing all in your power to pull yourself to surface. You flailing aimlessly, grasping at anything and everything. Others wishing to help may be pulled under as well, as you frantically try to save yourself. Where is God, we ask. He's right there. He always was. In our panic we missed the Spirits outstretched hand. Normally, we don't see the hand until we have reached a hopeless calm. It's at that precise time that we make that last reaching effort and take hold of the Spiritual Hand that pulls us to safety. Fall? Sure! And the Spirit will always help us back up, as long our eyes are open to Him.

    Too dramatic? Probaby, but it did make for an interesting point, huh? Keep up the bible study, Bret, and your eyes ALWAYS upon the Lord. Love Ya Guy!
